June 23, 2022

To All Environmental Services Staff of Valley Senior Living,

On behalf of the Valley Senior Living Board of Directors and leadership team, we express our sincere appreciation for your unwavering dedication to the company as we value the skills you bring to the organization.

After a market evaluation of the competitive local job market, the Board of Directors has approved a $0.50 per hour wage adjustment for all members of the Environmental Services department effective June 26, 2022. These increases do not apply to other departments within the organization. This increase will first be reflected in your paycheck dated July 15, 2022.

I’m proud to say that our organization continues to proactively respond to the market in a prolonged time of workforce challenges. If you have any questions about this well-deserved salary increase, please do not hesitate to contact your supervisor or the Human Resources department. Thank you for your commitment to the residents of Valley Senior Living!


Garth Rydland
Valley Senior Living